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NSW Public Sector ITAB July 2024 Newsletter

Jul 24, 2024

NSW Public Sector ITAB July 2024 Newsletter

In this month's newsletter

  • Registrations for the September GTAN & WTAN Forums now open
  • Fee Free Apprenticeships and Traineeships extended to 30 June 2025
  • Elsa Dixon Employment Grants reach new heights
  • Indigenous Firefighter Pathway Program Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary
  • Have your say on competency benchmark for local water utility operators
  • Marine Rescue NSW Volunteers Ensure Safe Returns
  • JSA embarks on development of the National Skills Taxonomy
  • New financial year brings changes to apprentice support arrangements
  • National Jobs and Skills Council Update

Registrations for the September GTAN & WTAN Forums now open

Convened by the NSW Public Sector ITAB, these forums bring together the Government and Public Safety Skills and Training Network (GTAN) and Water Industry Skills and Training Network (WTAN) to exchange insights and information related to workforce development within the government, public safety, corrections, and water sectors across NSW.

Our next online network forums, scheduled for 3 September 2024, will feature guest speakers from a range of sectors, sharing information on emerging trends, innovative practices and skills & training challenges. These sessions will offer time for participants to ask questions about skills and training issues and get updates on VET reforms and the latest funding initiatives in NSW. 

Register now to reserve your place. The program will be made available when finalised.

Government and Public Safety Skills and Training Network (GTAN) Forum
(Includes all government agencies, Local Councils, Correctional Services, Public Safety, Police & Defence)
Date: Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am (AEST)
Register now

Water Industry Skills and Training Network (WTAN) Forum
Date: Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm (AEST)
Register now

Fee Free Apprenticeships and Traineeships extended to 30 June 2025 

The NSW Department of Education is pleased to confirm a further extension of fee free apprenticeships and traineeships for students who commence their Smart and Skilled training up until 30 June 2025. 

During this period, student fees of up to $2000 for apprentices and up to $1000 for trainees, will continue to be covered.

Apprenticeships and Traineeships are a proven pathway to well-paid jobs in a diverse range of careers. There are more than 120 apprenticeship and 390 traineeship courses funded in NSW. Fee free apprenticeships and traineeships remove financial barriers for students and support a strong pipeline of skilled workers to build the NSW economy. 

If an individual previously commenced a Smart and Skilled apprenticeship or traineeship before 1 January 2020 and is considering returning to study before 30 June 2025, they will be eligible for fee free for the remainder of their training if their apprenticeship or traineeship course or their employer has changed.

Current apprentices and trainees who commenced a fee free apprenticeship or traineeship prior to 30 June 2025 will continue their fee free arrangements for the duration of the current apprenticeship or traineeship enrolment. 

Further information can be found on the Department of Education website.

Elsa Dixon Employment Grants reach new heights

The Elsa Dixon Grants program is now open for applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people seeking educational, training, or career development. 

Launched during NAIDOC Week, this year’s program aims to create life-changing opportunities and enhance access to education, training, and employment within the NSW Government. Last financial year, the program set new records with 315 approved employment positions, including 31 permanent roles, a significant increase from the previous year.

Key funding areas for 2024/2025 include:

  • School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships: A $10,000 one-time payment.
  • Post School Element: Up to $30,000 to support continued employment for those who have completed their HSC.
  • Aboriginal Adult Apprenticeships and Traineeships: Up to $40,000 for creating apprenticeships or traineeships.
  • Permanent Ongoing Employment: Up to $40,000 for creating permanent positions.

The grants are named after Elsa Dixon, an Aboriginal activist who significantly contributed to improving social outcomes for Aboriginal people in the 1970s and 1980s. 

For more information on the Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grants and how to apply, please visit the NSW Department of Education website.

Indigenous Firefighter Pathway Program celebrates 10-Year anniversary

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) recently marked the 10th anniversary of its Indigenous Fire and Rescue Employment Strategy (IFARES) with a cultural ceremony at the Emergency Services Academy in Orchard Hills, Sydney. This program, in partnership with TAFE NSW, prepares Indigenous participants for careers in firefighting.

The event, held at the Academy’s Yarning Circle, featured an Aboriginal performance by past graduates, aligning with this year’s NAIDOC Week theme, “Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud.”

Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell highlighted the program’s success in providing opportunities and enhancing diversity within FRNSW. Commissioner Fewtrell noted that IFARES equips graduates with the necessary qualifications and skills to succeed in the FRNSW recruitment process, emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusion for the organization. 

Senior Firefighter Jye Doyle, a Dunghutti man and 2015 IFARES graduate, highlighted the program's impact on First Nations communities. Doyle stated that First Nations firefighters not only serve as first responders but also engage meaningfully with their communities. 

He also highlighted that one of IFARES' goals is to empower Indigenous individuals to pursue careers in firefighting, encouraging them to dream big and believe in their potential. He invited those passionate about community service to consider a firefighting career with FRNSW, noting the organization's respect and honour for the contributions of First Nations people.

For more information on the IFARES program, visit the FRNSW website.

Have your say on competency benchmark for local water utility operators 

As part of work to address a skills crisis and staffing shortage in the water industry, the Department of Climate Change department has collaborated with local water utilities and the vocational education and training (VET) sectors to develop a competency benchmark and training program for water operators.

The consultation period is 3 July 2024 to 23 August 2024. The Survey can be accessed here.

Marine Rescue NSW volunteers ensure safe returns 

Marine Rescue NSW volunteers had a highly active June, completing 237 search and rescue missions, making it their second busiest June on record. Although this was a 25% decrease from the record 315 missions in June 2023, volunteer crews still managed to safely return 468 people to shore from 82 emergency responses.

Commissioner Alex Barrell credited the decline in missions to boaters heeding safety advice and education, particularly during unfavourable weather conditions that limited opportunities on the waterways. He emphasized the importance of monitoring weather conditions and advised boaters to use the free Marine Rescue NSW app for updates and to Log On via the app or VHF channel 16 for safety monitoring by the volunteers.

Commissioner Barrell also highlighted the need for regular checks on boat engines and batteries, adequate fuel reserves, proper safety equipment, and the consistent use of lifejackets.

In June, 5,300 vessels Logged On with Marine Rescue NSW, and the service’s radio operators handled 17,178 calls, reflecting the ongoing dedication and vigilance of Marine Rescue NSW volunteers.

Read the full article on the Marine Rescue NSW website.

JSA embarks on development of the National Skills Taxonomy

Jobs and Skills Australia has begun work on the development of the National Skills Taxonomy (NST), an enhanced iteration of the Australian Skills Classification. This initiative aims to establish a unified skills taxonomy to streamline workforce development, promote occupational mobility, and align workforce capabilities with industry requirements.

The NST is designed to ensure that individuals, businesses, and communities possess the necessary skills for active participation in education, employment, and the economy. This includes equipping people with the skills required for secure, well-compensated work and facilitating the continuous updating of skills to support job transitions and career progression.

To shape the NST, JSA is engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders to understand how the taxonomy can be utilized, the needs of future users, essential design features, and considerations for ongoing governance and maintenance.

A National Skills Taxonomy Discussion Paper has been released for consultation. Stakeholders are invited to provide their insights on several key areas, including:

  • Benefits and limitations of current skills taxonomies
  • Potential applications of an NST in education, training, and the labour market
  • Desired principles and key features of an NST
  • Data requirements and maintenance strategies for an NST

The NST aims to create a common language for skills, fostering integration across education, skills, and employment sectors to enhance outcomes for Australians.

Feedback can be provided through a survey, by submitting a response by 5pm (AEST) on Friday, 9 August 2024.

New financial year brings changes to apprentice support arrangements

Effective from 1 July 2024, significant changes have been implemented to enhance support for apprentices. The newly launched Australian Apprenticeship Support Services program, delivered by Apprentice Connect Australia Providers (previously known as Australian Apprenticeship Support Network Providers), includes specialized services focusing on:

  • Women in male-dominated trades
  • First Nations apprentices
  • Apprentices in clean energy occupations

Additional details about these transition arrangements can be found here.

Phase 2 of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System has also commenced, targeting financial support to apprentices in priority occupations listed on the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List. Key changes include:

  • Front-loaded apprentice payments to provide more substantial support during the first year of apprenticeship.
  • A Priority Hiring Incentive offering up to $5,000 in the first year for eligible employers of apprentices in priority occupations.
  • An Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment providing up to $5,000, distributed over four instalments, for apprentices in priority occupations.

The New Energy Apprentice Support Payment has broadened its eligibility criteria. It now supports apprentices working in clean energy occupations, provided their employers offer meaningful exposure and experience in the field.

For detailed information, refer to the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System Summary.

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) has also established an Apprenticeships Transition Helpline at 1300 200 919 for assistance.

National Jobs and Skills Council Update

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) are a national network of industry owned and led organisations, designed to provide leadership in addressing national skills and training needs. They have been established to supply industry with a strong and strategic voice within the VET sector as part of broader government-led skills reform.

Activity related to key JSCs affiliated to Public Sector industries is outlined below.

Public Skills Australia (PSA): Public Skills Australia has completed their round of Qualification Reform project consultations across the country and are collating the feedback from Public Safety and Government stakeholders about their experience in the VET system and how VET training can support skilling. Be prepared for the release of their Workforce Plan upon DEWR approval and visit the PSA website to register your interest in the work of PSA or place an enquiry.

BuildSkills Australia (BSA): Visit the website to register your interest in being involved or make a case for change to improve industry training products. Reach out to George Wall for any specific water sector issues.

Future Skills Organisation (FSO): Visit the FSO website to view the workforce plan, current projects, news and events and read reports such as Building an AI-Enabled Workforce: Priority Framework.

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